Kindness CountsLast year, I started watching a TV series on Prime Video called New Amsterdam, a story that revolves around a public hospital in New York...
Gearing Up For The SummerAs I write this post, I’m reminded of season finales. Another school year is coming to a close and we are properly getting into summer....
How Can NLP Benefit You?Are you curious about Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)? Have you heard this term at work or listened to a friend talk about it? Are you...
Embracing Growth: Getting Comfortable with Being UncomfortableA few days ago, I read Seth Godin’s book – The Dip. It’s a great short book about the strategic quitting in our quest to become the best...
The Power of Paradox“The world is perfect as it is, including my desire to change it” Ram Dass par•a•dox [par-uh-doks] Noun: A statement or proposition that...
My Path to Becoming A Life CoachIn 2011, I became a social entrepreneur and founded my own company where I worked with women's communities in Asia and Africa and helped...